maanantai 9. joulukuuta 2013


It's Christmas soon. That is just crazy. I've already worked 4 whole months at the university. That my friends.. is even crazier. This is going to be my last Christmas as "me". Next year I'll have a new name and a new chapter will have started in my life. Our life. Crazy.

I was talking about marriage with some people. How some people get married without even knowing each others (which could work, there is proof). Peter and I have been together now for over 3 years. It's not a long time really. However it is long enough. I know the person I'm with. We know our flaws, we are way past the butterfly phase. No, marriage (at least this one) is about companionship, trust, and completing one another. Love is just the glue that sticks those things together. Peter and I laugh at the same (inappropriate) jokes, share the same values and lastly - we are like night and day.

keskiviikko 20. marraskuuta 2013


Good food is very important to me. All my friends and family know that if I don't get food, I get cranky. No worse, I get hangry. Hungry+angry. This is why I always try to keep a constant blood sugar level. Nobody wants to deal with a hangry bitch. 

However, lately I have been reflecting over how much meat we eat every day. I was quite shocked as I realized just how much it was. Not good for the environment and definitely not good for all the cows I've been putting in my mouth. Then we started to eat vegetarian once a week, then twice. After reflecting over how easy it was to make vegetarian food we.. Well I decided that we could easily turn the ratio around and eat meat twice a week and vegetarian food 5 times. I still like my steaks every once in a while, but now we can make sure that we buy good quality meat (eco, from our region). Not bad! 

I am quite the food-magician 

maanantai 18. marraskuuta 2013


It feels like I always start with "I haven't had time to write in a while, because I've had so much to do". Which is very true. Like last wednesday I went shopping. Due to that I spent the rest of the week looking at the balance on my bank account and crying. Then I drank some w(h)ine so I could cry some more.

Like I said. Busy.

A good friend of ours (I guess you could say a family friend - Elsa's boyfriend's mom) turned 32 last saturday, so of course we had to celebrate her birthday! We has dinner at Köpmannens kök together with the b-day girl Sofia, her husband Erik and Sofia's entire family, and we had a blast. I loved it, not just for the food and the company, but also because I had a good "excuse" to wear some of my new clothes. It made me feel so much better, and less like a shopaholic. 

As you can see in this picture, the money was well spent. 
Lovely new things.

The daily AWWWW

Party animals

tiistai 29. lokakuuta 2013

Career planning

Tomorrow I'll be talking to a bunch of students about LTU Karriär and career in general. Career is an interesting topic to talk about. I've met people who are 60 years old and still have no clue of what they want to do when they "grow up". So why would I be any wiser at 25? I don't think we should know what we want to do when we grow up. What we should think about is where we want to go next. I mean if you have decided on a career path and really know where you should be heading, good for you! Don't get me wrong, of course there are people who, at the age of 5, are certain they know what they will do with their lives. I wanted to be a pony. That didn't work out too well for me - for obvious reasons.

What I mean is that dreams change and evolve. What I know now is that I love my current job and I'm planning my next step within my current job. I have no idea from which job I'll retire when I'm 65 and I don't really care. I can only hope it will be my dream job, even though I have no clue what my dream job will be when I'm that age. Maybe I wish to be a pony - again. And who knows about the technology in 40 years time.. Who knows, I might become a pony after all!

perjantai 18. lokakuuta 2013

Networking - that is what I've been up to this week

It has been a busy week I have to say. On wednesday we arranged LTU@Work, which is a matchmaking event for students and companies. It went well, but boy was I tired afterwards. Thank god I have great colleagues and work partners (ExjobbLuleå). It was a blast!

Yesterday was Internetbay Partnering Event, which meant tons of networking and interesting and inspiring presentations. One of the best presentations was Mikael Genberg as he described his life mission: to get a red cottage/house on the moon. Let's hope he succeeds!

Today we are going to Finland to plan the wedding with mom, my best friend and my sister.